Donate Today!

Support the Cambridge Senior Activity Center

Friendship Cafe' Giving Tree

The Cambridge Senior Activity Center operates as a non-profit organization that relies greatly on the generosity of individuals and corporations within the community. The senior population is growing rapidly and we strive to maintain a strong presence in our area to provide resources, activities, and low cost meals to meet the demands. Your donation today will enable us to continue our important mission.

Donations of $500 and above are showcased on the Giver's Tree in the cafe'. The name of the donor, or whoever you would like recognized, will be painted on a leaf.

Make a one-time donation or a recurring donation (every donation helps).  Donate whatever you feel comfortable with be it $25, $50, $100 or more. And, you can donate with PayPal or your favorite credit card!



Make a donation by mail

Download the printable Donation form (PDF)