The Cambridge Senior Activity Center is open Monday -Thursday from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm for various activities and events.
The Friendship Cafe is open 9-10:30am for breakfast items and lunch is served 11am to 1:30pm.
Be sure to sign up for our newsletter which comes out bi-monthly. Every newseltter will have upcoming events listed and also post the menu for those 2 months for the Friendship Cafe.
Also if you access the website on your computer or smart phone and scroll down on the Home Page - you will find an area where events are posted along with how to register and other important details.
Our website has a place to learn more about volunteering at SAC's. If you click to learn more about volunteering there is a form to fill out to let us know that you would like to help.
If you want more information you can call the Director at SAC's - 763-689-6555
Senior Activity Center
140 Buchanan Street N. #164
Cambridge, MN 55008
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