

Volunteer at SAC's

Drive for Home Delivered Meal Program

Volunteer DriverS

. . . for home delivered meals needed!

     As a Volunteer Driver you would take one delivery shift every week. You pick the day, Monday through Thursday,  that will be your delivery day every week. On that day you will pick up the pre-packaged dinners from SAC’s at 11:00 a.m. along with the address route you deliver to. At each delivery you bring the meal to the door, and if there is a chance it is nice to have a short conversation with the one receiving the meal. Your whole delivery time should be 90 minutes in total. 

      Drivers for Home Delivered Meals is a very important volunteer positions at SAC’s. We hope that you will consider joining this team.

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More Volunteer

positions will be posted

Volunteer Coordinator

There is a position open for Volunteer Coordinator. This is a perfect volunteer position for someone who likes to be organized and enjoys connecting with people. The position would involve working with every volunteer at the Senior Center and their schedules. You would understand the job description for each situation and help new volunteers to have all the information they need to fulfill their responsibility. The volunteer Coordinator position would involve about 6 hours a week and can be done from the Senior Center or at home by phone and email.  

  • Know and have contact information for every volunteer.
  • Keep a schedule of volunteer hours that are to be filled every week.
  • Make sure each volunteer is planning to be available when they are scheduled.
  • If someone is unable to fill their volunteer time slot find a sub for that day.
  • Work with the Board of Directors to plan an annual Volunteer Appreciation event for the volunteers.

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